Dear all ,
I am a PES fan since 1995. I played on all the PES games since International Superstars Soccer and I think that hearing the faithful fan is essential.
I just want you to think about my proposal of new commands : which make the game more intuitive, give more possibilities and make some action more manuel (therefore more satisfaction for the player).
Principles : (in dark : normal function/ in blue : combination)
Combination for shoots : (more possibilities and manual)
We can play with the ball effect (L2/R2), the highness (the number of time you press on the button) , the strenght (how long you press on the button) and the direction (left stick)
Square + L2 = Shoot with a side foot effect (inside left)
Square + R2 = Shoot with Curly effect (inside right)
press 1 time on square= knock on the ground shoot
press 2 times on square= half-height on the ground shoot
press 3 times on square= full-height on the ground shoot
Combination for crosses : (more possibilities and manual)
Same principles as shoots
circle + L1 : long pass or Switching play pass
When the ball is ahead
Square + R1 = clearance with header or shoot with header (at least manual!)
Square+ L1 = volley shoot clearance and volley shoot (at least manual!)
Square + R1+L1 : Bicyle kick (at least manual!)
Combination for passes
cross + L2 : penetrating pass knock on the ground (less easier than pressing triangle!)
cross + L2+ L1 : penetrating pass full height (less easier than pressing triangle!)
cross + R1 : one two
cross + L1 = backheel (at least manual!)
cross + R2 = one-touch pass (at least manual!)
Combination for intercepting (NEW)
-Triangle + R2 : counter a ball
Combination for controlling (NEW)
when you receive a stong pass to push on R2 will avoid a bad control. Which means that it will have more bad controls and less ping pong passing
Avantages of these proposal :
Everything is logic
To make an header is R1
When you are receiving a cross, the way you kick the ball is a choice and not automatic as today
To intercept the ball is manual and not automatic
The manipulation for Sliding tackle is exclusive vs today circle is a mix of sliding tackle or cross
L1 is only for changing player